I am Certified, Qualified, and Ready to Serve
I am a professional real estate appraiser. I decided to run for assessor because of the tremendous need for a trained appraiser in this office; someone who understands both commercial and residential properties. Assessor is a non-partisan office, because what matters is that you have the experience and knowledge to do the job. I am 100% qualified to serve as your assessor because of my diverse appraisal background. I owned and operated "Olson Consulting" an appraisal firm for 10 years. My clients were banks, attorneys, and mortgage companies. I also worked as an appraisal manager in the banking industry for another 10 years. I possess the perfect experience for this job.
An assessor has a difficult task that requires knowledge, experience, and hard work. State law requires that the assessor be licensed or certified as an appraiser, which I am. Being a fully trained and certified appraiser is essential for this job, before getting elected. Given the serious unresolved problems in the Carbon County assessor's office, we don't have time for on-the-job training. We need solutions now! I plan to hit the ground running the moment I take office, and resolve the issues. I have the knowledge and experience needed to properly perform assessments right now. I will bring competence, trust, and professionalism back to the assessor's office.

Thank you for endorsing my candidacy for assessor:
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)
Jeff & Jennie Christensen - T.N. Ranching
Kay Colosimo - Retired Carbon County Treasurer
Michael Dalpiaz – International District 22 Vice President UMWA
Gary DeVincent - Vintage Motor Company/Developer
Andy Hansen - Davis County Assessor
Kelley Stamatakis Harmond - Retired business owner
Butch & Jeanie Jensen - T.N. Ranching - Tavaputs
Michael Kourianos - Price City Mayor
Larry Leonard - Retired Carbon High and Mont Harmon Jr. High Principal
Layne Miller - Price City Council Member
Bernie and Nadine Morris - Retired Business Owners
Bob Pero - Retired State Tax Commissioner and Carbon County Clerk Auditor
Lenise Peterman - Helper City Mayor
Cecil E. Roberts - International President of the UMWA
John Schindler - Retired Carbon County Chief Deputy Attorney
Jeff Wood - Carbon County Sheriff

Professional Testimonials